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King’s Way Christian Church, Inc. |
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Notary Public Services Notary Public services are available to church members at no charge through the church office. |
Publishing Information and Deadlines The deadline for the e-mail update is noon Wednesday. The deadline for the Sunday bulletin and church website is 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, but space is more limited. The Prayer Request list is started on Sunday morning and added to throughout the week. Prayer requests are published for two weeks and then dropped unless notification otherwise is received. As always, if anyone has any additions, corrections, late-breaking items, questions, or complaints, please call the church office at 755-2555. |
SALT Ministry Free Meal The meal is free to the community and will be served every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Nitro Community Center. Unless otherwise noted, the sponsors are:
First Sundays - Holy Trinity Catholic Church Second Sundays - First Presbyterian Church Third Sundays - Nitro Church of God Fourth Sundays - King's Way Christian Church Fifth Sundays - St. Paul’s United Methodist Church (Fifth Sundays are dine-in only - no deliveries.)
We need a number of volunteers to help with this ministry, and there are several ways you can help. You get to serve the Lord and your community and hey, you get a free meal! |
Parking Parking at the far end of the lot behind "Somewhere In Time" is OK, but please do not park in the business spaces in front of the building. Also, there is some parking available in front of the Police Station, with convenient entry through the rear door.
Howell’s Mill Christian Assembly Activities
Check out the Howell’s Mill website at www.howellsmill.org to help plan calendars and vacations. To go to the website, click on the campfire to the left. |
Howell’s Mill Christian Assembly 2018 Calendar
99 Christian Camp Road, Ona, WV 25545
Telephone: (304) 743-4332
Check out our website for links to missions we partner with and go on missions Trips.
We have many weekends throughout the winter open for youth retreats and day events. If you are interested in booking an event, call the camp to check availability.
Upcoming Events
March 3: Active Shooter and Conceal Carry Leadership Training Day March 9 - 11: High School Retreat |
Birthday Dinner Please join us on Sunday, March 4, at 6:00 p.m. for a night of fellowship as we celebrate everyone’s birthdays. A decorated table with a cake will be set up for each month of the year, and everyone can sit at their birthday month’s table. Please bring a meat dish and a side dish (if you are decorating a table and/or bringing a cake, just bring a side dish). Drinks will be provided. No desserts are needed since there will be a cake on every table.
We still need table decorations for May. If you can volunteer for this, please see Kerri Petry.
High School Retreat at Howell’s Mill The High School Retreat at Howell’s Mill will be March 9 to 11. This camp is for teens in ninth through twelth grades. Camp starts at 5:00 p.m. on Friday and ends after worship service on Sunday (around noon). The cost is $55 if you register by February 27 and $65 after that.
Young Mommas’ Day at Howell’s Mill Saturday, May 11, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This event is for all young Mommas. It is an opportunity to be refreshed and encouraged by spending the day relating with other young mothers. Join us for worship, prayer, encouragement, a fun activity and listening to speakers who share their wisdom as experienced mothers. The cost for Young Mommas’ Day is $20.
Soup for SALT Ministry Meals We are continuing to accept donations of cans of soup for distribution at our SALT Ministry meals. Please place your donations on the Welcome Table.
Your donations are appreciated!
Inclement Weather Policy For Sundays when it is snowy, icy, etc., there will be no Bible Fellowship classes but there will be Worship service at 10:30 a.m. with programs for children and teens.
For Wednesday night services, other Bible studies, and activities through the week, if Kanawha County schools are cancelled or have an early dismissal, we will likewise cancel.
Greeters Wanted We are looking for some folks to be placed on the Greeter schedule. Greeters are scheduled for one Sunday morning each month. If you would like to be a Greeter please contact the office. The more the merrier!
Small Groups Ministry Throughout the history of the church, small groups have played a vital role. From the time of Christ to today, these values have changed countless lives and helped the church to grow and reach thousands while at the same time provide the closeness of a well-knitted community. Paradoxically, it gives the church the ability to grow larger and smaller at the same time! Small groups enhance interpersonal relationships and help both you individually and the church as a whole to grow spiritually. The elders are encouraging everyone to be involved with a small group.
A number of small groups are organizing with different curricula available for each group. Talk to an elder or small group member to find out which small group best suits you.
Small Groups Meetings
The Ragamuffin Gospel small group meets Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the Worship/Fellowship Center. For more information, please see Tim Thompson.
For the small group that meets at the Cooperriders’ please contact Dan or Cathy for details.
The Rick Petry/Chet Rodabaugh small group will next meet on alternating Sundays. Please see Rick or Chet for more information. Church Directory The church directory is continuously being updated, so copies are printed upon request. If anyone would like a copy of the most recently updated directory please contact the office.
Contact Information Updates If anyone has had a change of address, home or cell phone number, or e-mail, please write the changes on the Visitor/Member Card in the pew rack and place it in the offering tray or contact the church office. Also, if you did not receive a card on your last birthday or anniversary, please let us know so we can add you to our birthday/anniversary card list.
King’s Way on Facebook Visit us at https://www.facebook.com/kwccwv/ Come Like our page and keep up with information on Sunday services, special events, inclement weather changes, and other news.
Ezra/Kroger Update Please see Cathy Cooperrider to make sure your Kroger Plus card is properly assigned or if you would like to sign up for the program. Sermons on CD Compact discs of our Sunday morning sermons are available upon request. Please see Gary Smith or contact the church office.
EZRA - Kroger Cares Fundraising This program provides funds for our Ezra Account. The funds, along with the other donations, will be used for improving the physical building that we own. This is a fund-raising program that only involves making your regular purchases at Kroger using your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card card. For information on how to get a card, please see Cathy Cooperrider.
Ezra Offering Thank you to everyone for your continued financial support for the Ezra Project. These funds continue to be important for loan payments and additional project financing. Please provide “Ezra” designation on your checks or contribution envelopes (can be obtained from church office).
Memorial Pew Plaques In addition to the general Ezra Offering, personal donations or donations in memory of someone can be still be made. A donation of at least $750 will "purchase" a pew, and a memorial plaque will be affixed to it. This can be done individually or as a group.
Offering Envelopes For your convenience, offering envelopes are available on request. Simply indicate you wish some on the Visitor/Member card and placing it the offering or contact the office. Ezra Project Commitment Cards are available at the Welcome Table.
There's Gold In Them Thar Empty Printer Cartridges! King’s Way Christian EduCare, our daycare ministry, has been raising funds through recycling old inkjet cartridges, toner cartridges, and cell phones. If you have to replace any of these, please consider bringing in the empties to the room between the Worship/Fellowship Center and Brother Gene’s old office. There is a receptacle there for small items, and larger cartridges can be placed on the floor beside it.
Ministry Team Opportunities Ministry Teams are what really make a church go and grow. All church activities are supported by one or more Ministry Teams, so you can see how there is plenty of action for everyone.
Callers: To call folks who are absent on Sundays. Please contact the office.
Drivers: To help folks get to and from our services. A CDL is not required. Please contact the office.
Greeters: If anyone would like to be added to the Greeter schedule, please make a note on the Member Card and place it in the offering or contact the office or sign up at the Welcome Table.
Nursery Workers: For one nursery duty per month. Please contact Nancy Dodd.
Sound Board Technicians: One to be on stage to talk to the board through headphones and one more for the sound board. Please see Gene Brooks or Gary Smith. |
Wednesday Evening Service
Fellowship Dinner and Classes
We will begin serving dinner at 6:15 p.m.
Classes will begin at 6:45 p.m.
There will be activities for the children.
See you there! |